Saturday, August 12, 2006


Boy am I glad July is behind me!

It's good to feel my wheels moving again, and reap the benefits of all the hard work I poured into my artshow this past month. Advancement is evident in my life, both on the outward, and inward, and each day has become exciting because I have MADE it that way!

I was on the front page of the local paper yesterday, and the compliments that came my way acted as a fuel to a creative fire already burning me up from the inside. All I want to do is more of what I'm doing. Art, photography, writing. I have my resume ready, and will be working on a cover letter sometime this week in preperation for September, when I plan on making copies of my artwork and writing to send to the Pennsylvania Game News Magazine. I already have it all mapped out; if i get hired, I'm celebrating!

Above all the activities and occurances in July, the most important has been the restoration of my self-confidence. That's the big thing I suppose; feeling good about yourself. For the past few years I've felt like my j-o-b had me be the balls, but in all reality, it doesn't at all. I've focused a bit on the social aspects of life, but I find that no matter who I'm friends with, at some point I'm left feeling empty. At the end of the day, I think that God put me in that place to make me realize how awesome my life really can be. I think I needed it. The good, the bad, the has all worked to shape the new, motivated me.

What's best of all, is that so many people ramble on and on about how great life is, when in fact, their lives suck. My only words to those people are wake up and smell the dreams! Live the life you have imagined.

If there is one lesson that I've learned in 2006, it's this:

Don't stand back shivering in fear, afraid of what lies ahead!! Scramble on through with all the gusto you can, and do your best no matter what obstacles lie around the corner!. You owe it to yourself! Who wants to settle for less than they are capable of!? Not me!

How can you go through life without PASSION!? the soapbox now. I just feel SO DAMN GOOD right now!